Why Join Us

Zebrafish Foundation India is single window platform that will connect all the stakeholders of Zebrafish Model based research, So students can connect with Academicians, Academicians with Researchers and Science & Technology Industry Partners with those in need of their products and services. This platform will allow the niche segment of Zebrafish Research to flourish in way that all are benefited. At the moment we are newly setup and require all the stake holders to come forward join us. Hence we have kept the memberships free for the first year.

The membership of the ZEBFIN is open to all persons and who agree with the aims and objectives of the ZEBFIN. They shall have to abide by Rules and Regulation of the said ZEBFIN. Membership will be allowed after consideration and approval of the Governing Council (SAB) and payment of membership fee decided by Governing Council (SAB). Governing Council (SAB) keeps the right to reject any application for membership with the provision of specific reason.

The membership of the ZEBFIN shall consist of Life Members or Fixed Term Members under certain categories such as Student Members, Academic/ Researcher Member, Emeritus Members, Overseas Members, Corporate Members, Institutional Members and Honorary Members. Each category of Members has to pay Membership fee decided by Governing Council (SAB). For the first year the membership fee is waived off. The membership fee post April 2022 will be as follows. Student Members (1yr fixed membership INR 250) Life Membership (INR 1500). Academic Researcher (INR 500 -1 yr fixed term) (INR 3000 Life Membership Fee) (Corporate Membership (INR 15000 per annum) Overseas Members (INR 3500) Institutional Members (INR 5000) and Honorary Members are distinguished members selected by Scientific Advisory Board to guide and mentor us. 

For detailed terms and conditions of Membership, one can download the Membership Terms & Conditions Booklet in the link provided below.

Membership Benefits

Student Members – Every student who chooses to become a member, get an opportunity to be a part of Zebrafish Community, students get the most with a membership

A. Basic Certificate Course – Every student gets to do a fee free certificate course in Zebrafish.

B. Student Basic Research Study – Any member student after finishing the basics course in Zebrafish can opt to undertake a study of his choice at his her own institution with mentorship and guidance or can chose to undertake a study at ORI lab.

C. Student Study Awards – Student Members can apply for study funds and request resources for their study. 

D. Awards & Recognition – Every year students get in opportunity to earn recognition via ZEBFIN

Academic Researcher Members – ZEBFIN is a platform for connecting, sharing, growing together. As an academician or as a fellow researcher all members get to participate in the annual conclave, take part in studies, guide students, mentor and develop the community. They also get recognition for their efforts to popularize the Zebrafish Model.

Corporate and Institutional Members – Institutions contribution towards developing this community will always be appreciated. Each institution will get their due mileage either in form on showcasing their products and services, or in form of sponsoring the student studies. Either way ZEBFIN will ensure their caused based marketing pays them dividends. 

Emeritus / Honorary Members  are our privileged members, their presence in our community, blesses us with their experience, contacts and learnings. We can never repay them in any monetary form, but only say a big thank you.

Students Council

Currently a students council is being formed and we shall make this information public shortly.

Project Danio

Project Danio is a donation awarded to selected students for getting eligible monetary gain, at the moment we are inviting applications for the same.


Academicians, Researchers and Commercial Partners are invited to join this initiative, various positions are available. From being a member of Scientific Advisory Board to Simple ARC Membership, we request all to join