Small Fish Big Feet — Fecund, Limpid and Human.

Three words are all it takes to describe Zebrafish. It’s a small fish with big achievements. It is almost human. It shares 70% of the genetic structure with humans. Limpid – with high optical clarity. It facilitates and opens up innumerable opportunities for observation and research. Fecundity or reproducibility of zebrafish. This small fish makes a huge impact on biological research. The fields of molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics, oncology, and neurobiology use Zebrafish for research.

Danio rerio or Zebrafish is a versatile model organism. It has been used in biomedical research for several decades to study a wide range of biological phenomena. Technical advantages over other vertebrate models make it the preferred choice today. Readily available, hardy, easy, and inexpensive to maintain in the laboratory. They have a short life cycle. Excellent fecundity. Due to its optical clarity and reproducible capabilities, it has become one of the predominant models of human genetic diseases.

Zebrafish research has made rapid strides in the United States and Europe. In India, the field is in a nascent stage and many researchers still remain unaware of the full research potential of this small fish. The zebrafish model system was introduced into India in the early 2000s. More than 45 government institutions. 15 private institutions and 5 private labs today use Zebrafish Model for Research. As many as 350 scientific referred articles have been published by Indian researchers. This desk research gives an overview of the current state of research using the zebrafish model in India. This research doesn’t account for pharmaceutical R&D using zebrafish research. Since most pharmaceutical companies and their research & development efforts are highly confidential, we have excluded them. With the aim of promoting the wider utilization of zebrafish for basic and high-level biological studies at educational institutions, we present to you our findings.

Zebrafish Development

For the purpose of gaining simple insights into Zebrafish Research in India, we shall bifurcate it into BASIC RESEARCH & ADVANCED RESEARCH.

Basic Research is all about undertaking simple and short subjects of study that can be performed using Zebrafish Model in Modern Molecular Biology to Beginners Biotechnology in Pharmacy, Biotech, Modern Biology educational institutions.

Advanced Research using Zebrafish Model are conducted by Scientist from Premier Institutions across the country, and are ongoing processes of long duration with lasting impact on Scientific Research & advancements. For the purpose of understanding let us look at ADVANCED Research into four segments – Functional Genomics, Embryonic Development, Human Diseases and Biotechnology. 

BASIC RESESARCH in Modern Biology — Basic Research using Zebrafish Model is yet to take, like the way Rodent Model is. In India the Zebrafish Model is in nascent stage. Many factors are responsible for the current state in Basic Research. Zebrafish Animal Husbandry, Zebrafish Equipment’s and their affordability, and finally the awareness required to make Zebrafish an accessible to all model is the need of the hour. ZEBFIN one such step, where wish to take Zebrafish Model to every level of educational research. 

Advanced Research – Zebrafish

The Zebrafish Community of India is very diverse and vibrant.  Lets take a look at their achievements and take a moment to appreciate their hard work. 


Functional Genomics 

Continuous improvements in genomics and technologies associated to the study of functional study of Genes are making Zebrafish the right choice model. 

Embryonic Development

Zebrafish has become a popular model to study how genes regulate the development of an embryo. This domain has has developments that are remarkable

Human Diseases Studies

Final frontiers of science as expected by a common man are to find a cure for Human Diseases. Here is what we found out about Zebrafish Model in human diseases.


Modern Biotechnology is cluster off thousand gems and studies are varied and interesting. This is only zone where public private partnership is taking place and doing wonders.